This year’s lineup is a great mix of new-thinking and inspirational practitioners, researchers, innovators and entrepreneurs who operate at the intersection of business and software development. Here are all the speakers at myConf 2024:

Tamara Carleton: Building a Moonshot Mindset

When should your team go bigger, and what are some ways to take visionary action? In this inspirational session, hear Tamara Carleton introduce the moonshot mindset and some ways for turning radical ideas into reality, drawing from her recent book Building Moonshots which the Financial Times described as "a much-needed resource for our era of uncertainty".

Read more about Tamara

James Lewis: How flow works

Have you ever thought about why what we see as the sensible defaults for software engineering in 2024 work? We adopt the key metrics from Accelerate, team structures from Team Topologies, and Microservices in an effort to improve the flow of value to our users. But what is Value? What is Flow? Come along and explore the weird world of how work works.

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April Wensel: Maximize humanity with compassion

With all the time we spend on machines, it’s easy to forget that we are human beings, and so are our collaborators and customers. In this talk, you’ll learn concrete steps for applying compassion to manage your stress levels, connect more deeply with your coworkers, create products that delight users, and ultimately leave a more positive impact on the world.

Read more about April

Erik Meijer: Virtual machinations – leveraging the linguistic bytecode of large language models to emulate programming language VMs

We need to adjust the way we communicate with and instruct AIs to perform desired tasks. However, natural language is inefficient for expressing instructions precisely. We will demo the design of a natural language-based programming language and show how we can implement it using a large language model as its VM.

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Henric Johnson: Emerging industry and technologies of power

There is little doubt that geopolitics is tightening its grip on international business and R&D. In this talk, Henric will give a deeper understanding of what trends and insights companies and universities should take home in a world with global competition.

Read more about Henric

Susanne Kaiser: Optimizing for a fast flow of value with adaptive, socio-technical systems

In today’s fast-paced business environment, it’s essential for organizations to continuously adapt and evolve to remain competitive and stay relevant. This talk explores the synergy of Wardley Mapping, Domain-Driven Design (DDD), and Team Topologies as a holistic approach to building adaptive systems optimized for a fast, sustainable flow of value and feedback.

Read more about Susanne

Jan Bosch: Stop wasting your R&D budget! Start modeling value and experiment!

Research shows that current practices around product management and R&D are incredibly wasteful. In this talk, I present an alternative approach organized around quantitative modeling of value, experimental development approaches, and continuous monitoring of value delivered to customers in operational software.

Read more about Jan

Emily Bache: Real team building for software development: technical coaching

Building teams is about enabling everyone to contribute their best. Technical coaching helps teams raise code quality, learn faster, and better handle the complexity of modern software development. In this talk, I will explain what a technical coach does and how this can help an organization build a strong engineering culture and promote technical excellence.

Read more about Emily

Will you also be there?

One of the many great things about myConf is that it offers these world-class speakers in a small setting where you have the opportunity to meet and talk to them over lunches, coffee breaks, and dinner. We deliberately keep the number of attendees quite low, so make sure to get your ticket before it sells out!