The talk: Optimizing for a fast flow of value with adaptive, socio-technical systems

In today’s fast-paced business environment, it’s essential for organizations to continuously adapt and evolve to remain competitive and stay relevant in the market. How to build systems that can thrive in the face of constant change? This talk explores the synergy of Wardley Mapping, Domain-Driven Design (DDD), and Team Topologies as a holistic approach to building adaptive systems optimized for a fast, sustainable flow of value and feedback.

Key takeaways:

  • Anticipating change and identifying areas where to invest or to outsource to gain competitive advantage and efficiency
  • Identifying and unlocking blockers to flow
  • Aligning teams and evolving their interactions to the system and strategy

Watch it now!

Optimizing for a fast flow of value with adaptive, socio-technical systems - Susanne Kaiser at myConf 2024

Watch a recording of Optimizing for a fast flow of value with adaptive, socio-technical systems by Susanne Kaiser, published after the conference.

About Susanne

Susanne Kaiser is an independent tech consultant from Hamburg, Germany, supporting organizations with building socio-technical systems. She is passionate about connecting the dots between Wardley Mapping, Domain-Driven Design, and Team Topologies as a holistic approach to designing and building adaptive systems for a fast flow of change. 

Susanne was previously working as a startup CTO and has a background in computer sciences and experience in software development and software architecture since 2002. She is the author of the upcoming book "Adaptive Systems with Domain-Driven Design, Wardley Mapping, and Team Topologies: Architecture for Flow" (Addison-Wesley Signature Series (Vernon)).

Get to know Susanne even more at or on her LinkedIn page.

Why I look forward to this talk 

Our next speaker is to my great happiness Susanne Kaiser! It was hard to get her onboard, but here she is! :)

Susanne, standing deep in tech, is helping us to see how slightly less technical concepts such as Wardley mapping and Team Topologies can fit in with all the tech and leverage it all.

She is currently working on her upcoming book Adaptive Systems With Domain-Driven Design, Wardley Mapping, and Team Topologies: Architecture for Flow. Judging by an early draft, it’s going to be a must-read!

That said, the book won’t be able to replace the experience of listening to her thoughts in real time, hanging out with her, and discussing interesting situations with her! And that’s why we asked her to be one of our speakers at myConf 2024.

My guess is that after her presentation you will have a moment of “Wow, everything felt mind-blowing and made perfect sense at the same time!”. I don’t do bets, so saying this is just talking from what I know. We’ll see if you agree.

Thanks a lot, Susanne, for joining and for making myConf 2024 amazing!

/Jimmy, CEO and Consultant at factor10