About Sarah

Sarah Freiesleben helps teams solve better problems and take wiser next steps by facilitating dynamic dialogues around risks, opportunities & constraints to improve conditions for transformative change, innovation & project performance. Additionally, she serves purposefully as a non-expert, building bridges between technical and functional teams to define problems & requirements in relationship with solution possibilities.

With an academic background in the humanities and 18 years working on global, cross functional projects in a wide variety of industries, Sarah’s work focuses on connection and agency, which often includes talking about DEI and AI. She lives in Copenhagen and works as a consultant at Ramskov Consulting Group and as an Industry Fellow at The Technical University of Denmark.

Get to know Sarah even more on her LinkedIn page.

The talk: Solve Better Problems

The most critical problems which need our attention are complex and often not ripe for static, scalable solutions. But scalable revenue is generally how value is measured. Although profit is a reasonable output to expect, putting it in focus can cause teams to converge on reductive solutions and spend a lot of energy solving the wrong problems.

True value is found in the dynamic interplay between reality and possibility. Finding it doesn't always feel efficient, but creating space to tap into what is emerging will not only help us solve better problems (which will also lead to monetary value), it will help us meet the systemic complexity required to build a sustainable future.